“Tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to use sarcasm.” (I don’t know the source of this quote, but I have it on a T-shirt). I prefer sarcasm. It’s a means to avoid being tactful. Tact requires honesty, but is not always kind. My problem is, honesty and kindness don’t go hand-in-hand. So I avoid tact; it’s much easier to be sarcastic. Tact requires forethought while my sarcasm is reactive. It’s been said “the truth hurts” and while some people say things like “be honest with me” or “tell me the truth”, they are looking for validation and not something contrary to their own truth. Why can’t I just be tactfully witty or wittily tactful? That way I can validate you in your own little world while everyone smirks quietly behind your back.